Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting started...

I am so excited to set foot into this great experience we call blogging. I have been thinking about doing this for a while now. I woke up today and time like the present. So ready, set. go!
I am planning on getting things together today for Craft-N-Camp that I'll be attending in about 3 weeks. Does anyone else love going to weekend crops?? I so luurve it, it's my cup of tea. for anyone wondering what craft-n-camp is...It is a weekend full of crafty fun. It's not just for scrap booking (WHHHAAAAT-people do more that scrapbook-shocking I know!!!) but also for card makers, jewelry makers, and people that love to sew. Basically if you have a crafty hobby, then this is a place were you can come and do your craft for the weekend. It is set up in a campground. Yes, we sleep in bunk beds, (but everyone gets a bottom bunk), we are fed 6 hot meals and snacks, and provided a place for our craft that is separated from the sleeping. I love the last part because I have been know to stay up all night. You all know how it is...when the mood hits ya then run with it!
So in preparation for the craft-n-camp, I plan on getting together my papers and pics to scrap. I find this is easier than packing everything but the kitchen sink. I'll post pics as start in packing for the crop. For those taking notes....yes, I am getting this together 3 weeks ahead of time. Getting the pages together that I want to work on is the most time consuming. I plan on getting 50 layouts done, who knows maybe more. I have found that when going to crops if you can set aside planning time that it tends to cut back on your stressing time. There is nothing worse that looking forward to scrapping only to get to the point that you're ready to scrap but are totally disorganized. UUUGGHHH! Been there and done that....not gonna do that again! So I'll take some pics over the next few day as I am getting the layouts put together. It'll take me most of the 3 weeks to get it all together. Yikes!! I better get to picking out the paper, pics, and embellies that I plan to use~ Happy scrapping!